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What are movable cultural heritage and what kinds of properties can be regarded as movable cultural heritage?

What are movable cultural heritage and what kinds of properties can be regarded as movable cultural heritage?

  •  Movable cultural heritage refers to all the cultural properties that can be moved. They are the opposite of immovable cultural heritage, which refers to properties that are fixed on the ground like a building. Technically, the terms movable and immovable cultural properties are not specified in the Cultural Heritage Protection Act, but they are used for the purpose of administrative convenience. 

  • Movable cultural properties are designated, preserved and maintained by the Tangible Cultural Heritage Division at the Cultural Heritage Administration of Korea, and cultural properties subject to appraisal, such as national treasures and treasures, are mostly included in this category.
  • As referred to in the Criteria for State-designated Cultural Heritage (attached Table 1 regarding Article 1 of the Enforcement Rules of the Cultural Heritage Protection Act), movable cultural properties are divided into five categories: 1) records, classical books and ancient documents; 2) paintings and sculptures; 3) artifacts; 4) archeological documents and; 5) weaponry and battle gear.
