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Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity

Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity- Republic of Korea
Talchum, mask dance drama in the Republic of Korea

Talchum, mask dance drama in the Republic of Korea, is a performing art that encompasses dance, music and theater where masked performers humorously explore social issues through dramatic combinations of dances, songs, movements and dialogue accompaniedbyanensembleofsixto ten musicians. Talchum conveys its underlying appeal to universal equality and criticism of social hierarchy using caricatures of everyday characters.

Talchum has been recognized as a symbol of Korea’s traditional performing arts and intangible cultural heritage reinforcing a sense of community and local cultural identities in the lives of the Korean people.

Talchum has been safeguarded and transmitted since 1964 when Yangjubyeolsandae-nori, mask dance drama of Yangju and other local variants of talchum were designated as intangible cultural heritage both on national and local levels. In 2022, talchum hasbeeninscribedontheRepresentativeList of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.