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Royal Tombs

Three Royal Tombs, Paju

There are three neungs in this site, Gongneung, Sulleung and Yeongneung.

Gongneung Royal Tomb, Paju (恭陵)

The tomb of Queen Jangsun(章順王后, 1445~1461), the royal first consort of King Yejong(睿宗, r. 1468~1469), the 8th ruler of the Joseon Dynasty.

Gongneung Royal tomb
Gongneung Royal tomb
Sulleung Royal Tomb, Paju (順陵)

Sulleung Royal tombThe tomb of Queen Gonghye(恭惠王后, 1456~1474), the royal first consort of King Seongjong(成宗, r. 1469~1494), the 9th ruler of the Joseon Dynasty.

Yeongneung Royal Tomb, Paju (永陵)

The tomb of Honorary Emperor Jinjong(眞宗, 1719~1728), and his consort Honorary Empress Hyosun(孝純皇后, 1715~1762).

Yeongneung Royal tomb
Yeongneung Royal tomb