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Royal Tombs

Taereung Royal tomb, Seoul (泰陵)

Taereung, the tomb of Queen Munjeong(文定王后, 1501~1565), the royal third consort of King Jungjong(中宗, 1488~1544, r. 1506~1544), the 11th ruler of the Joseon Dynasty

Taereung Royal tomb
Taereung Royal tomb
Taereung Royal tomb
Gangneung Royal Tomb, Seoul (康陵)

Gangneung, the tomb of King Myeongjong(明宗, 1545~1567), the 13th ruler of Joseon Dynasty(r. 1534~1567), and his consort Queen Insun(仁順王后, 1532~1575).

Gangneung Royal tomb
Gangneung Royal tomb
Gangneung Royal tomb