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Silla Transcription of Avatamsaka Sutra (The Flower Garland Sutra), Zhou Version, in Ink on White Paper, Volumes 1-10 and 44-50

신라백지묵서 대방광불화엄경 주본 권1~10, 44~50 ( 新羅白紙墨書 大方廣佛華嚴經 周本 卷一~十, 四十四~五十 )

Heritage Search Detail
Classification National Treasure
Name of Cultural Properties Silla Transcription of Avatamsaka Sutra (The Flower Garland Sutra), Zhou Version, in Ink on White Paper, Volumes 1-10 and 44-50
Quantity 1 Bundle
Designated Date 1979.02.08
Age The 13th year of the reign of King Gyeongdeok of Unified Silla (754)
Address Leeum, Samsung Museum of Art, 60-16, Itaewon-ro 55-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul

Daebanggwangbul Avatamsaka Sutra, is also called by its shortened name the Avatamsaka Sutra. Along with the Lotus Sutra, this principal scripture of the Avatamsaka Sutra is one of the books that had the greatest influence in the establishment of Korean Buddhist philosophy. This book is the oldest copy of the scripture in Korea that is decorated with hand-written content and magnificent paintings. It is made in the form of a scroll 1390.6cm long and 29cm wide. The account of publication reveals that a Buddhist monk named Yeongi started working on the print in 754, 13th year reign of King Gyeongdeok of the Silla Dynasty, and completed in the following year. The account contains the detailed information on the 19 people who have participated in the process of publication and describes the method of production as well as ceremonial procedure. This implies that the production of a print was preceded as a means of testifying one's religious faith since as early as the Silla Dynasty. Another peculiar feature of this book is that the sentences are written in idu, the unique way of expression using Chinese characters used during the Silla Dynasty. A summary painting colored in gold is found at the beginning of the book. The book also has what-seems-to-be-the cover, which is decorated with a painting of heavenly guards, Buddhist saints, flowers and plants. The painting was originally made in one piece, but it is now broken into two. Nonetheless, it is the only remaining piece of work from the Silla period and an important material for study of paintings during that period. It is likely that this book was published by Yeongibeopsa, the founder of Haeinsa Temple, and kept inside a stone pagoda in the temple where his mementos were stored. This is the only literature from the Silla Dynasty that helps us to understand the philosophy of Avatamsaka Buddhism. It is also a valuable material for study of Buddhism as well as bibliography and arts of the Silla period.