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National Registered Cultural Heritage

Table Used for the Signing of the Korean Armistice Agreement

휴전협정 조인시 사용 책상 ( 休戰協定 調印時 使用 冊床 )

Heritage Search Detail
Classification National Registered Cultural Heritage
Name of Cultural Properties Table Used for the Signing of the Korean Armistice Agreement
Quantity 1 item
Designated Date 2010.06.25
Address War Memorial of Korea, 29, Itaewon-ro, Yongsan-gu, Seoul

This is the table used by General Mark W. Clark, Commander of the UN Forces in Korea, at the time of the signing of the Korean Armistice Agreement. At 10:00 am on July 27, 1953, the senior representatives of the two sides, General Harrison of the UN Forces and General Nam Il of North Korea, signed the first copy of the armistice agreement at Panmunjeom. General Clark was waiting in Munsan and signed the agreement at 1:00 pm on the same day, with the representatives of the sixteen countries that had fought as part of the UN Forces in attendance. It was also signed by Kim Il-sung of North Korea and Peng Teh-huai of the People’s Republic of China, who were waiting in Pyeongyang. The agreement took effect at 10:00pm on the same day.