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National Registered Cultural Heritage

Knife of Kim Do-hyeon, Righteous Army Commander

의병장 김도현 칼 ( 義兵將 金道鉉 칼 )

Heritage Search Detail
Classification National Registered Cultural Heritage
Name of Cultural Properties Knife of Kim Do-hyeon, Righteous Army Commander
Quantity 1 item
Designated Date 2010.06.25
Address The Independence Hall of Korea, 230 Namhwa-ri, Mokcheon-eup, Dongnam-gu, Cheonan, Chungcheongnam-do

Kim Do-hyeon (1852-1914) was the leader of a righteous army that fought against the Japanese colonists in Andong, Gyongsangbuk-do. Kim was posthumously awarded an order of merit in 1962. This knife was donated by his descendants to the Independence Hall of Korea on January 24, 1985. The wooden sheath is thought to have been made later.
In February 1896, Kim Do-hyeon, together with Yu Si-yeon, recruited volunteers for the militia in Yeongyang and Andong, occupied Bonghwa and Yeongju, and marched on Andong. He paid visits to Cheongsong, Uiseong, Yeongdeok, and Yeonghae, asking locals to join the righteous army in its struggle against the Japanese. In 1907, he hatched a plan to form a righteous army and engage in the resistance against the Japanese, but he was arrested by the Japanese after his plan was betrayed. Later, he devoted himself to the education of young people in Yeongyang.