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National Treasure

Bibyeonsa deungnok (Records of the Border Defense Council)

비변사등록 ( 備邊司謄錄 )

Heritage Search Detail
Classification National Treasure
Name of Cultural Properties Bibyeonsa deungnok (Records of the Border Defense Council)
Quantity 273 books
Designated Date 1973.12.31
Age Late Joseon (1617-1892)
Address Seoul National University Kyujanggak Institute for Korean Studies, #103, 1, Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul

These volumes are the collection of authentic records of issues that were decided at the meeting of the Chief Council of State called Bibyeonsa ever since the middle of the Joseon Dynasty. For this reason, these are regarded as one of the most crucial historical records of the country together with the Diary of the Royal Secretariat Seungjeongwon Ilgi and Ilseongnok. It was a general rule to write one volume per year, but two or even three volumes were made in a year of crisis. The number of existing volumes amounts to 273 in total, covering the period of 275 years between 1617 (9th yr. of King Gwanghaegun) and 1892 (the 29th year of King Gojong). To restore to its original name and function, Bibyeonsa was abolished in the 2nd year of King Gojong and its role was taken over by Uijeongbu, which continued to keep records under the same organizational structure. The existing volumes of this Bibyeonsa Deungnok have some parts left out or missing. It’s practically impossible to know the original number of pages or how many pages are missing, since notes with only the publication year have been inserted between the pages.