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National Registered Cultural Heritage

Mourning Clothes Worn by Yi Hae-sang and His Wife

이해상 내외 상복 ( 이해상 內外 喪服 )

Heritage Search Detail
Classification National Registered Cultural Heritage
Name of Cultural Properties Mourning Clothes Worn by Yi Hae-sang and His Wife
Quantity 2 pieces
Designated Date 2013.08.27
Age 1970
Address 29, Samseong-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

These two sets of mourning clothes were worn by two minor royal descendants of the Joseon Dynasty, Yi Hae-sang and his wife Sin Gye-wan, at the funeral of King Yeong (1899-1970); they consisted of mourner’s hat, headband, hemp jacket, skirt, belt, middle robe, wide-sleeved jacket with long skirt, and Gaiters. The clothes were donated to Kyungwoon Museum in Kyunggi Girls’ High School by Yi Nam-ju, the wearers’ daughter who graduated from said school. Since the traditional mourners’ garments had disappeared fast in Korea after the regulations on traditional new household rituals implemented in 1969, and because such garments were traditionally incinerated after a funeral, these relics -- related to one of the last royal funerals of Joseon -- are regarded as valuable heritage items.