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National Registered Cultural Heritage

Lawyer’s Robe

변호사 법복 ( 辯護士 法服 )

Heritage Search Detail
Classification National Registered Cultural Heritage
Name of Cultural Properties Lawyer’s Robe
Quantity 1 item (length: 110cm, sleeve length: 73cm)
Designated Date 2013.08.27
Age 1941
Address 219, Seocho-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul

This court dress is one worn by Kim Hong-seop (1915-1965) when he was working as an attorney in 1941, a time when Korea was under Japanese colonial rule. According to the act on the court dress issued in 1920 (Imperial Order No. 222 promulgated on July 27 in the 9th Taisho Year and published on Issue 2393 of the Japanese Government-General of Korea Bulletin on August 2 that same year), attorneys during this period were required to wear a black robe embroidered with paulownia blossoms along with headgear ornamented with cloud pattern. It is a rare example of the court dress that continued to be worn until 1966.