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National Treasure

Gilt-bronze Standing Bodhisattva from Uidang-myeon, Gongju

공주 의당 금동보살입상 ( 公州 儀堂 金銅菩薩立像 )

Heritage Search Detail
Classification National Treasure
Name of Cultural Properties Gilt-bronze Standing Bodhisattva from Uidang-myeon, Gongju
Quantity 1 Item
Designated Date 1989.04.10
Age Early 7th century (Baekje)
Address Gongju National Museum, 34, Gwangwangdanji-gil, Gongju, Chungcheongnam-do

Excavated from the temple site in Songjeong-ri, Uidang-myeon, Gongju City, Chungcheong nam-do Province in 1974, this Bodhisattva of 25 centimeters height had been preserved in the Gongju National Museum. It wore a tiara, which was carved with changed Buddha in the middle, saying that it was Avalokitesvara. Its hair covered half of the forehead, while it had plait hair, covering the ears and reaching to the shoulders. Somewhat fat and square faced, it had big eyes, nose and mouth, while it wore a benign smile. It wore a necklace, which the beads connected the necklace came down to the chest, divided into two parts and lie on the laps. The thin robe, came down from the both shoulders, was crossed under the belly. The hem of the robe gently covered the arms and came down to the pedestal. The pleats of the robe, deeply and vigorously carved, contrasted its benign faces. It wore the bracelet on either arm. Its right hand with palm facing the outside and held a bud of lotus was raised up to the chest, while the lower left hand held a treasure bottle. The pedestal, carved with lotus design facing the bottom, was formed in circle. Excellently gilded, except the protruding parts, and certain place where it was excavated from, it was assumed that it was made in the 7th century of Baekje Period, judging from the well-balanced work style, bead ornaments crossed around the belly and circular pedestal.