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National Treasure

Gold Diadem Ornaments of the Queen Consort of King Muryeong

무령왕비 금제 관식 ( 武寧王妃 金製 冠飾 )

Heritage Search Detail
Classification National Treasure
Name of Cultural Properties Gold Diadem Ornaments of the Queen Consort of King Muryeong
Quantity 1 pair
Designated Date 1974.07.09
Age Baekje
Address National Museum of Korea, 137, Seobinggo-ro, Yongsan-gu, Seoul

This is a pair of golden ornaments for a crown identical in size and shape. They were excavated from Royal Tomb of King Muryeong in Gongju. They are 22.6cm tall and 13.4cm wide. When the royal tomb was discovered and excavated in 1971, these ornaments were found to be placed on top of each other around the head of the queen's coffin. A gold plate is cut into form this symmetrical shape by using sharp tools. Honeysuckle-shaped patterns are placed at the bottle on top of a lotus-blossom-shaped support in the middle part. At the top of the bottle is a flower in full bloom. There is a flame pattern on the edges from the middle to the upper part of each ornament. They are a little smaller than those of the King's crown, which were discovered at the same site. Both are simple in design since there are no special attachments such as beads. This tomb was built for both King Muryeong, the 25th king of the Baekje Dynasty who reigned from 501 to 522, and his queen. It’s one of the most well-known royal tombs because it’s one of the rare tombs that were built with bricks, and also a great amount of burial goods - 2906 pieces of remains ranging over 108 categories - were excavated from it. They have been regarded as important sources for studying Baekje, particularly the culture and customs of the ancient kingdom. Among them, jiseok, a slab of stone inscribed with the deceased's date of birth and death together with his achievements, reveals the exact owner of the tomb and the exact date of construction. The Royal Tomb of King Muryeong is the first among all the tombs from the Three Kingdoms Period that records the name of the buried king and the exact date of construction.