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National Treasure

Gold Earrings of King Muryeong

무령왕 금귀걸이 ( 武寧王 金製耳飾 )

Heritage Search Detail
Classification National Treasure
Name of Cultural Properties Gold Earrings of King Muryeong
Quantity 1 pair
Designated Date 1974.07.09
Age Baekje
Address Gongju National Museum, 34, Gwangwangdanji-gil, Gongju, Chungcheongnam-do

This pair of gold earrings was excavated from Royal Tomb of King Muryeong in Gongju. They are 8.3cm long and luxuriously designed. They were discovered on the head of the King's wooden coffin. Two long ornaments are hanging from a thick ring. One strip has a big leaf-shaped gold plate that is attached to the end of a hollow tube-shaped middle ornament. This tube-shaped ornament is very simply designed without any patterns on it, except the two small oval leaves in the front and rear sides for a variation to the design. When observed from the side, it seems to be curved inward. The tube-shaped middle ornament has a stopper decorated with golden strings and beads. The leaf-shaped ornaments are placed around the middle ornament to face each other. The other strip has a bead-shaped ornament composed of several small rings with leaf-shaped ornaments attached to it. A blue curved jade with a well-matched golden cap is at the end of the strip. This type of earrings with two strips was also excavated from the Geumnyeong Cemetry, the tomb of one of Silla's Kings, in city of Gyeongju.