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National Registered Cultural Heritage

Allen’s Ophthalmoscope

알렌의 검안경 ( 알렌의 檢眼鏡 )

Heritage Search Detail
Classification National Registered Cultural Heritage
Name of Cultural Properties Allen’s Ophthalmoscope
Quantity 1 item
Designated Date 2009.10.12
Address Dongeun Medical Museum, 50, Yeonse-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul

This is the ophthalmoscope used by H. N. Allen, who served as the head of the Jejungwon Infirmary (House of Universal Helpfulness), the first Western medical institution in Korea. The device, which was made by Gall & Lembke Opticians, was widely used in the United States in the 1870s. Allen’s bereaved family donated it to Yonsei University around 1984-85. It is a valuable item left by a person who played a significant role in Korea’s medical services and diplomacy in the early modern period.