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National Treasure

Gilt-bronze Standing Bodhisattva from Seonsan-eup, Gumi

구미 선산읍 금동보살입상(1976-1) ( 龜尾 善山邑 金銅菩薩立像(1976-1) )

Heritage Search Detail
Classification National Treasure
Name of Cultural Properties Gilt-bronze Standing Bodhisattva from Seonsan-eup, Gumi
Quantity 1 Item
Designated Date 1976.04.23
Age Silla
Address Daegu National Museum, 321, Cheongho-ro, Suseong-gu, Daegu

This statue, excavated along with the Standing Gilt-bronze Buddha (National Treasure No. 182) and the Standing Gilt-bronze Bodhisattva (National Treasure No. 184) in Goa-myeon, Seonsan-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do Province during an erosion control work, is displayed in the National Museum of Korea. This is believed to be a temple site, judging from various roofing tiles and earthenware of the Three Kingdoms Period. The Buddha is in a natural, relaxed standing position, with the right knee bent slightly, and its head is crowned by the usnisa, with a tiny Buddha carved in the front. Its face is somewhat round and wearing a benign smile. Its body is relatively slim and well-balanced, while its robe clings to its body. The robe, gently covering the right hand, hangs down to the knee, gently covering the left hand, and comes all the way down to the pedestal. This statue of Buddha alos wears a necklace, with bead ornaments hanging down to form an 'X' shape from its shoulders to the bottom. The robe folds and the 'X' shaped bead ornaments are depicted also at the back of the Buddha. The right hand holding lotus buds is raised, while the left hand seemed to have held something else, which is now missing. A square pedestal is carved with lotus leaves facing the ground. Although its face and right hands became rusty, the original gilt still remains in a relatively good shape. With a well-balanced body and great carving skill, this Buddha statue represents the typical style of the late Three Kingdom Period. It seemed to have been made in the mid-seventh century.