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National Treasure

Transcription of Saddharmapundarika Sutra (The Lotus Sutra) in Silver on Oak Paper

상지은니 묘법연화경 ( 橡紙銀泥 妙法蓮華經 )

Heritage Search Detail
Classification National Treasure
Name of Cultural Properties Transcription of Saddharmapundarika Sutra (The Lotus Sutra) in Silver on Oak Paper
Quantity 7 Volumes of 7 Books
Designated Date 1976.04.23
Age The 22nd year of the reign of King Gongmin of Goryeo (1373)
Address National Museum of Korea, 137, Seobinggo-ro, Yongsan-gu, Seoul

Saddharmapundarīka Sutra, or the ‘Lotus Sutra’ is the principal scripture of the Korean T'ien-t'ai Sect. The main idea of the book is that the way to become a Buddha is being to open to everyone. Along with the Avatamsaka Sutra, this principal scripture of the Avatamsaka Sutra is one of the books that had the greatest effect in the establishment of Korean Buddhist philosophy and most widely read since the of Three Kingdoms Period. This book was copied with extreme effort in the 22nd year of King Gongmin of the Goryeo Period from the seven books of the Saddharmapundarīka Sutra translated by Kumārajiva of the Later Qin Dynasty. The characters are written in silver and each book is made in the form of a folding screen, 11.7cm long and 31.4cm wide. According to the remark at the end, this book was published as an offering by a senior government official by the name of Heo Chil-cheong. The writings found in several places on the back cover suggest that this had been originally kept at Dogapsa Temple in Yeongam. Although it does not contain a summary painting, the book is made with utmost care and preserved in a relatively good condition. It was once taken to Japan, but recently returned to Korea.