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National Treasure

Gilt-bronze Standing Bodhisattva Triad

금동보살삼존입상 ( 金銅菩薩三尊立像 )

Heritage Search Detail
Classification National Treasure
Name of Cultural Properties Gilt-bronze Standing Bodhisattva Triad
Quantity 1 Item
Designated Date 1970.12.30
Age Baekje
Address Leeum, Samsung Museum of Art, 60-16, Itaewon-ro 55-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul

This image is said to have been found in Chuncheon, Gangwon-do, with a mandorla (Buddhist halo of light) laid behind the triad. It is a unique object with the triad, a mandorla, and a pedestal in one piece. The round-faced main Bodhisattva in the center wears a crown. It shows thin underwear worn diagonally. The two parts of the thick outer robe cross each other in the front, and then spread out at the bottom like bird feathers. The lower part of the robe extends down to the ankle. Robe wrinkles are portrayed in lines. The right hand is raised to the shoulder, with the palm facing outward. The fingers of the left hand are pointing downward, with the ring finger and the little finger bent inward. The two attendant Arhats stand with their hands clasped, wearing thick robes. The mandorla behind the triad is shaped like a boat with a conspicuous-looking edge, with three lines forming the head and body mandorla. The head mandorla is inscribed with lotus flower patterns. Exquisite flame patterns are shown outside the head and body mandorla. The pedestal on which the main Bodhisattva stands displays large-sized lotus flower patterns in double lines. The use of such style in the pedestal is similar to that of the Gilt-bronze Standing Sakyamuni Buddha Triad with Inscription of “Jeong Ji-won” (Treasure No. 196) and Gilt-bronze Pensive Maitreya Bodhisattva (National Treasure No. 83) unearthed from Busosan Mountain in Buyeo. Thus, the image was presumed to date back to the Baekje Period, but it is more exquisitely portrayed than the former. The parts of the robe crossing each other like the letter “X,” the bottom of the robe spreading outward like bird feathers, the fingers of the left hand bent inward, etc., follow a typical style of Buddha images made during the Three-Kingdoms Period (circa 57BC-668AD). The two Arhats standing next to the main Bodhisattva represent the first practice ever displayed by ancient relics found on the Korean Peninsula. Thus, the piece is considered to be a unique and precious object.