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Stone Seated Buddha of Dogapsa Temple, Yeongam

영암 도갑사 석조여래좌상 ( 靈巖 道岬寺 石造如來坐像 )

Heritage Search Detail
Classification Treasure
Name of Cultural Properties Stone Seated Buddha of Dogapsa Temple, Yeongam
Quantity 1Buddha statue
Designated Date 1963.01.21
Age Goryeo
Address Dogapsa Temple 4, Dogap-ri, Gunseo-myeon, Yeongam-gun, Jeollanam-do

This stone seated Buddha statue is enshrined in Mireukjeon Hall at Dogapsa Temple in Yeongam, Jeollanam-do. The statue’s body and the mandorla (Buddhist halo of light) behind it are carved from a single piece of stone. The statue is carved in a technique similar to that used for rock-carved Buddha statues. The Buddha’s hair is expressed in nabal style (i.e. twirled up and around in a seashell-shaped fashion), and there is a small usnisa (a protuberance symbolizing supreme wisdom) on top of his head. He has an oval face with prominent eyes, a flat nose and thick lips, conveying an air of seriousness slightly softened by a faint smile. The broad shoulders, flat chest, and simple curves of the body are stiff and rather lifeless. The Buddha’s beobui (sacerdotal robe) is draped across the left shoulder, leaving the right shoulder exposed. The middle of the thin oval mandorla is carved with a lotus flower, while the top and sides of the head are engraved with small Buddha images. The mandorla is simply expressed with restricted decorative sculpting. The original pedestal is likely to have been an octagonal form carved with lotus flowers, while the current one is a plain square. Despite the rather stiff and formal carving techniques, this Buddha statue exudes a warm appearance, and exhibits features of both the general style of Unified Silla and the plain and restricted style of Goryeo. It is thought to have been made around the eleventh century during the mid-Goryeo period.