In general, stupas consisting of a main body, stylobate, and capstone with finial were built at temples to hold the sarira of a Buddhist monk. Located at the Bowonsa Temple site, this stupa enshrines the sarira of State Preceptor Beobin. As one of the most revered Buddhist monks during the reign of King Gwangjong of the Goryeo Dynasty, Beobin was designated as a 'royal priest' in 968, then as State Preceptor in 974. When he died here in 975, the king granted him the posthumous title of Beobin (seal of the law) and named the stupa Boseung. The stupa consists of a capstone, main body and three-layered stylobate. The bottom layer of the stylobate comprises two octagonal stones; the lower stone is embossed with lions in the panel decorations, while the upper stone is carved with a dragon flying through clouds, and is decorated with lotus designs in each of its corners. The middle layer of the stylobate is an unadorned octagonal column, while the upper layer is atypically carved with a vertical railing. Every corner of the octagonal core stone of the main body is engraved with pillar patterns; its front and rear sides are carved with a door design with a lock; two sides are engraved with two of the Four Guardian Kings, and two other sides, with a human figure wearing a tall hat. The roof stone is broad and thick; the rafters, which are similar to those of wooden structures, are expressed beneath the roof stone, while the upper part of the roof stone curves sharply upward. Each edge of the roof stone is clearly expressed; and the top of each edge shows traces of a flower design, most of which has been effaced. On the finial, three 'gem wheels' are placed on top of bokbal (over-turned bowl), one of the finial's lower parts, which is decorated with lotus designs. The stupa is believed to have been erected sometime between 975, the year of Beobin’s death, and 978 when the stele for Beobin (Treasure No. 106) was erected. Overall, this stupa exhibits characteristic features of stelae erected during the early Goryeo Dynasty, including the octagonal style and the carved designs on the main body and roof stone.