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Natural Monument

향로봉·건봉산 천연보호구역 ( 香爐峰·乾峰山 天然保護區域 )

Heritage Search Detail
Classification Natural Monument
Name of Cultural Properties

Quantity 106,671,208㎡ (Designated area)
Designated Date 1973.07.13
Address Part of Ganseong-eup & Sudong-myeon, Goseong-gun & Seohwa-myeon, Inje-gun, Gangwon-do

"Hyangnobong Peak and Geonbongsan Natural Reserve in Geonbongsan Mountain is located between Goseong-gun and Inje-gun, Gangwon-do. It spans Chiljeolbong Peak and Hyangnobong Peak in Geonbongsan Mountain up to the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ). It naturally has the characteristics of a central temperate forest in Korea. In Gojindong Valley and in Geonbongsan Mountain, Mongolian oaks, royal azaleas, Vaccinium hirtum var. koreanum, Lespedeza maximowiczii, and Sasa borealis form a forest where pine trees, needle fir trees, Red-Leaved Hornbeam (Carpinus laxiflora), and Giant dogwoods (Cormus controversa) grow. Hyangnobong Peak consists of the Red-Leaved Hornbeam group located 500m above sea level and Magnolia sieboldii group located 700m above sea level. Around the summit, big trees are cut down because of a military operation, vines such as Tripterygium regelii are intertwined, and rare plants such as Actinidia arguta, Lilium tsingtauense Gilg, and Hanabusaya asiatica grow there. In the valley of Hyangnobong Peak in Geonbongsan Mountain are arctic lamprey, cherry salmon, Rhynchocypris kumgangensis, Rhynchocypris oxycephalus, and slender shinner (Psudopungtungia tenuiocorpa). At least 24 kinds of birds are found in Goenbongsan Mountain, whereas 11 kinds of birds and 24 kinds of mammals are found in Hyangnobong Peak. Among these mammals, Eurasian Otter (Lutra lutra), musk deer, gorals, bears, and siberian flying squirrel (Pteromys volans) need protection. The Hyangnobong and Geonbongsan Natural Reserve has to be protected with the pristine environment of the natural forest. Therefore, it is designated and protected as a natural monument."