Suryukjae (Land and Water Rite) began to be performed during the early Joseon Period (1392-1910) to guide all the spirits of beings that lived in both water and land to the peaceful other world. The rite has high historical and cultural significance and aesthetic merit as provided by, among other old texts, Joseon wangjo sillok (Annals of the Joseon Dynasty); it is performed night and day for the peace of the entire living and the dead. On the other hand, the Yeongsanjae (Celebration of Buddha's Sermon on Vulture Peak Mountain) was performed for the peace of individual beings. Samhwasa Temple in Donghae had been a main venue for such rites, which aimed to bring peace and unity to the local community. It preserves the tradition established through state-commissioned events during the early Joseon Period as well as tangible elements such as the altar, architectural adornments, and ceremonial proceedings with prayer chanting.