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2012 ACPCS program begins on April 1
Kim Min-ok
The National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage will offer its 2012 ACPCS training course (Asian Cooperation Program on Conservation Science) from April 1 to October 31, in which eight researchers from seven Asian countries will attend to attain expert knowledge and technologies on conservation science for cultural properties. The ACPCS, which marks the 8th year in 2012, is an international training program for Asian conservationists, who are short of infrastructure for research on cultural properties. The program is designed to provide them with an opportunity to learn advanced technologies and enhance capabilities of conserving cultural properties. For eight years from 2005, 49 researchers from 17 countries completed the course. During two terms, each lasting for three months, participants are going to carry out research with mentors one-to-one on subjects they select individually within three fields (architecture, intangible heritage and conservation/restoration). The NRICH expects the trainees, after completing the course, will contribute to improving quality of conservation and management of their cultural properties, by practicing advanced conservation science and research methodologies. In June, the Institute will also hold an international workshop to be participated by researchers who mastered the course between 2005 and 2009, in order to review the results and achievement of the program and find ways to further develop the course.
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