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Meeting for Multinational Nomination of Asian Tug-of-war
International Cooperation Division
The Cultural Heritage Administration (CHA) and ICHCAP, the Korea-based UNESCO Category 2 Centre in the field of intangible cultural heritage will jointly hold the 1st Intergovernmental Meeting for the Multinational Nomination of the Traditional Asian Tug-of-war in Seoul from October 22 to 23. The meeting is participated by representatives from Korea, the Philippines, Vietnam and Cambodia, which intends to join the Asian tug-of-war’s multinational nomination among the Northeastern or Southeastern Asian member states to the UNESCO Convention for Safeguarding of ICH. The intergovernmental meeting, to be led by Korea having already 15 ICH on the UNESCO list, will review information on each country’s tug-of-war tradition as well as share knowledge and opinion about the property’s possible multinational nomination. It also considers production of materials including audiovisual materials and photos required in submitting the dossier. UNESCO encourages multinational nominations in order to prevent excessive competition between states parties arising from the ICH’s particular attributes hard to be vested in one country as well as for promoting mutual cooperation in the international community for ICH safeguarding. Korea has inscribed Falconry on the UNESCO list in 2010 as a multinational property led by UAE. CHA will finalize discussion by the end of this year and each country will take its own procedure at the local level. The joint nomination will be submitted by late March next year.
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