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Korea’s Community Band Music Inscribed on the UNESCO List
International Cooperation Division
The colorful, infectiously joyousrustic performing art Nongak, a highlight of Korean countryside festivals and celebrations since the 1900s, has successfully entered the UNESCO Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The inscription was made at the 9thIntergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage held on November 24-28 in Paris. Nongak is a performing art encompassing music, dance, and theater, performed mainly by bands of farmers and amateur musicians for communal solidarity and well-being. The community performance comes with features unique to each region, and there exists a great range of varieties across the country. Having contributed to boosting cooperation and enhancing local identity in traditional society, nongak continues to offer an arena for musical expression and stimulating conviviality among community members. Community festivals finish off with the performance of nongak, and the uproarious music created by percussion instruments arouse ecstatic excitement among participants and audiences alike.
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