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ROK concluded MOU for Lao World Heritage restoration
International Cooperation Division
Minister Yoo Jinryong of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism has signed an MOU with Lao Cultural Minister Bosengkham Vongdara of the Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism on “conservation of Vat Phou and Associated Ancient Settlements within the Champasak Cultural Landscape” at Cheong Wa Dae presidential house, last Friday. The MOU was concluded at the time of Lao President’s visit to Korea from Thursday to Saturday and signed by the two ministers in attendance with the heads of both countries. The MOU states the object of restoration projects and the role of both countries for the project advancement. The Cultural Heritage Administration, the conducting party of the project has already agreed cooperation in the field of heritage conservation with the Lao authority since March 2011. Earlier last month, Deputy Administrator Park Young-dae visited Laos to talk to Minster Vongdara and proposed for the strengthening of mutual relationship between the two agencies on Lao World Heritage restoration projects. CHA launches its first project at Hong Nang Sida (Princess Sida’s Room) in the Champasak Cultural Landscape next year with the Korean Cultural Heritage Foundation and will continue its activity at other heritage sites in close cooperation with Lao Ministry of Culture.
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