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volunteers participation and carrying capacity
Park Jeong-eun
Dear officer.

Do u have volunteers involved in conservation n preservation of heritage and culture?how do u manage those volounteer staffs?n how would u dealing with carrying capacity in certain heritage sites?thank you.

Sorry for a relatively late answer to your question.

Article 17 and 75 of the Cultural Heritage Protection Act stipulate that any state-designated cultural heritage is to be repaired by such repairers as are registered with the Mayor/Provincial Governor. This means that volunteers are not allowed to play a direct, important role in repairing cultural heritage. Ordinary people, however, can volunteer for minor activities such as papering the wall, mowing the lawn, and dredging the ditch. These volunteers are called “Heritage Guardians” who are appointed by the Cultural Heritage Administration. As of today, there are 3,409 guardians nationwide. You can also apply for volunteering. Heritage guardians have the right to participate in a wide range of relevant events such as basic education and volunteers’ competitions.

Thank you for your interest in Korean cultural heritage.