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Questions for Master Thesis: Destination Image of Gyeongbokgung Palace
Marie Schade
Attached Files

docx파일 다운로드DestinationImage_Questions.docx

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am a Graduate Student at Yonsei University Graduate School of International Studies. I am currently writing my Master Thesis, focusing on how a projected and perceive destination image is created online, focusing on the Gyeongbokgung Palace and its international promotion and visitor reviews in English. Goal is to compare the promoted and the perceived image to identify differences in the image of the Palace and discussing why there are differences, if there are any.
While I mainly analyze the representation of the palace online, getting some feedback from the teams in charge of its promotion would help me in gaining more in-depth understanding in how and with what goal in mind cultural heritage and the Palace in particular is being promoted to international visitors, and whether there are special strategies for online promotions in place. However, I am unsure on who I have to contact regarding my inquiries. I have attached the questions I would like to ask to this inquiry. I could either do an interview or have the answers sent to me as a written file, either in English or Korean. The Questions are in English for know but I could try to get them translated into Korean if needed. Please let me know who to contact or, if possible, answer the questions in thee attache file. I would be very grateful and it would help a lot with my thesis.

Thank you in advance and I hope to hear back from you.

Marie Schade