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RE : Book 한국의옛지도
International Cooperation Division
Thank you for your kind interest in the Korean cultural heritage.

I am afraid to inform you that the book - Old Maps of Korea (한국의 옛지도) - you mentioned was published in 2008 for sale and no free pdf is available at the moment. I have just googled it and it appears that purchase of this book through online or offline bookstore is no longer available either. If you are in Korea, you can lend the book from many local libraries including the National Library of Korea (국립중앙도서관).

For your reference, I will email you two pdfs as a zip file. Due to their big size, I cannot attach the files here. One of them is a book made for an international symposium held in 2008 in connection with the research and publicaiton of the book you mentioned. The other is a material containing images/explantaions on the old maps designated as Treasures as of 2014.

These publications are free, accessible to the general public via our website in the Korean language. (

Please note that these materials are regulated by the Korea Open Government Licence Type 4 (공공누리 제4유형) as you can see from the right bottom of the webpage. If you click the black squared "OPEN" mark, you will be able to see this page ( concerning the certificate/guidelines for the use of Type 4 materials - specification of the data source and prohibition of the commercial use/data modification. Please be aware of the guideline details so that there will not be any inconvenience in the future.

I hope this would be of help. If there is any further assistance you may need, please do not hesitate to let us know.