West Three Royal Tombs(Seosamneung), includes Huireung, Hyoreung, and Yereung.
The tomb complex was begun with the construction of Huireung, followed by Hyoreung and Yereung.
The tomb of Queen Janggyeong(章敬王后, 1491~1515), the royal second consort of King Jungjong(中宗, r. 1506~1544), the 11th ruler of the Joseon Dynasty.
The tomb of King Injong(仁宗, 1515~1545, r. 1544~1545), 12th ruler of Joseon Dynasty, and his consort Queen Inseong(仁聖王后, 1514~1577).
The tomb of King(Honorary Emperor) Cheoljong(哲宗, 1831~1863, r. 1849~1863), the 25th ruler of Joseon Dynasty, and his consort Queen(Honorary Empress) Cheorin(哲仁皇后, 1837~1878).