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National Registered Cultural Heritage

Mosaic Altarpiece of the Seoul Cathedral of the Anglican Church

대한성공회 서울주교좌성당 모자이크 제단화 ( 大韓聖公會 서울主敎座聖堂 모자이크 祭壇畫 )

Heritage Search Detail
Classification National Registered Cultural Heritage
Name of Cultural Properties Mosaic Altarpiece of the Seoul Cathedral of the Anglican Church
Quantity 1 painting /Total height: 8.6m (Height of actual painting: 5.4m; Height of stereobate: 3.2m, Length of curved surface: approx. 8m)
Designated Date 2017.02.15
Address Seoul

The Mosaic Altarpiece of the Seoul Cathedral Anglican Church of Korea was produced between 1927 and 1938 according to a design conceived by George Jack (1855-1932). The painting depicts Jesus Christ at the center, the Virgin Mary in the middle, St. John and St. Stephan on the left, and St. Isaiah and St. Nicolas on the right. The book held by Jesus Christ bears the Latin inscription Ego Sum Lux Mund (meaning, “I am the light of the world”). When illuminated by light, this beautiful mosaic creates a splendid, holy atmosphere in the austere Romanesque Anglican church.