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Seated Sakyamuni Buddha Triad of Daeheungsa Temple, Haenam

해남 대흥사 석가여래삼불좌상 ( 海南 大興寺 釋迦如來三佛坐像 )

Heritage Search Detail
Classification Treasure
Name of Cultural Properties Seated Sakyamuni Buddha Triad of Daeheungsa Temple, Haenam
Quantity 3 Buddha statues, 21 excavated relics (9 kinds)
Designated Date 2015.03.04
Age Joseon
Address (Daeheungsa Temple, Samsan-myeon) 400, Daeheungsa-gil, Haenam-gun, Jeollanam-do

According to ancient records, the Seated Sakyamuni Buddha Triad of Daeheungsa Temple in Haenam was completed six years after the enshrinement of a few daily items belonging to the Buddhist monk Seosan (1520-1604) who, as chief commander of the righteous monk armies of Korea, waged a fierce war of resistance against the Japanese forces that invaded Korea in 1592. While the principal Buddha of the triad had to be restored, one can easily conjecture that the production of the triad was a major project given that one of the original acolytes is 170 centimeters tall. According to the records found with the statues of the acolytes, the triad was completed in 1612 by a group of ten monk-sculptors led by Taejeon, with some 380 people participating in the project overall.