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National Registered Cultural Heritage

Yeo Un-hyeong’s Tomb, Seoul

서울 여운형 묘소 ( 서울 呂運亨 墓所 )

Heritage Search Detail
Classification National Registered Cultural Heritage
Name of Cultural Properties Yeo Un-hyeong’s Tomb, Seoul
Quantity 573㎡
Designated Date 2013.02.21
Address 28, Samyang-ro 155-gil, Gangbuk-gu, Seoul

Yeo Un-hyeong is widely admired for devoting his life to the independence of Korea and his fierce commitment to the struggle against the Japanese colonial rule of Korea. He served in the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea in Shanghai, and established the Joseon jungang ilbo (Korean Central Daily) and the Korean Independence League as part of his patriotic commitment. His distinguished achievement as an independence activist and a journalist was officially recognized by the Korean government with the Order of Merit for National Foundation.