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Wooden Seated Vairocana Buddha of Biraesa Temple, Daejeon

대전 비래사 목조비로자나불좌상 ( 大田 飛來寺 木造毘盧遮那佛坐像 )

Heritage Search Detail
Classification Treasure
Name of Cultural Properties Wooden Seated Vairocana Buddha of Biraesa Temple, Daejeon
Quantity 1 Buddha statue
Designated Date 2014.07.02
Age Joseon
Address (Birae-dong) 47-74, Biraegol-gil, Daedeok-gu, Daejeon

The Wooden Seated Vairocana Buddha of Biraesa Temple in Daejeon is a slightly smaller than life-size representation of the Buddha. His head is covered with conch-shaped curls, a hardly noticeable topknot, and two protuberances, a semi-spherical at the top and a semicircular one above the forehead, symbolizing supreme wisdom.
The Buddha is seated in cross-legged posture representing auspiciousness, and forms the vajra mudra, a symbolic hand gesture known as the “knowledge fist.”
A postscript written in ink on its base reveals that the statue was made in 1651 (2nd year of the reign of King Hyojong of Joseon) by a monk-sculptor named Muyeom.