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National Registered Cultural Heritage

Rock-carved Amitabha Buddha Triad at Jajangam Hermitage of Tongdosa Temple, Yangsan

양산 통도사 자장암 마애아미타여래삼존상 ( 梁山 通度寺 慈藏庵 磨崖阿彌陀如來三尊像 )

Heritage Search Detail
Classification National Registered Cultural Heritage
Name of Cultural Properties Rock-carved Amitabha Buddha Triad at Jajangam Hermitage of Tongdosa Temple, Yangsan
Quantity 3 items
Designated Date 2014.10.29
Address (Habuk-myeon) 108, Tongdosa-ro, Yansan-si, Gyeongsangnam-do

The Rock-carved Amitabha Buddha Triad at Jajangam Hermitage of Tongdosa Temple in Yangsan was created by combining sculptural techniques with Buddhist painting, which was popular at the beginning of the modern period (19th century) in Korea. It is considered an important cultural heritage as it showcases the characteristic features of Buddhist paintings of the period, and had a great impact on the rock-carved Buddhas produced around the neighboring area during the modern period.