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RE : Info on The Changing of the Guard ceremony
International Cooperation Division
Ms. Rachel Lorenz,

Thank you for your interest in the cultural heritage of Korea and we apologize for the late reply.
We shall try to answer the best we can.

1.) Could you explain the significance of the various banners used in the changing of the guard ceremony?
- The banners differ depending on the regimend. One would be for the regiment on the right, one for the left, one for the center, etc.

2.) Does this ceremony as currently performed date to the 15th century (early Joseon)?
- Yes, we have tried to recontruct the ceremony based on the historical records. The changing of the Guard ceremony have changed over the years utill it was abolished in King Gojong's reign with militery reform. The current ceremony in time with early 15th century when the ceremony was first set up.

3.) To when do the clothes date?
- The clothes are reproductions of the same period.

4.) What meaning do the colors of the various clothes have?
- The clothes differ depending on rank/role of the guard.

5.) Is the language being spoken by the captain/sargeant an older form of Korean?
- Yes. It is using the older form of Korean, but some of them we still use in the military. The meanings are simple, such as "Go forward", "Turn Left", etc.

6.) To what century do the instruments date?
They are not playing the instruments from the 15th century but of modern made version of traditional instruments.

7.) How old is the music that they are playing?
Unfortunately, I was not able to find that information.

8.) Of what were the guard's clothing made during early Joseon? Silk and ramie? something else?
- The chulik that the guards are wearing were usually made with silk.

For further information, you could contact Korea Cultural Heritage Foundation ( as they are in charge of running the ceremony.