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Underwater Archaeologists around the World Gather for 'Sustainable Ocean'
International Cooperation Division

Underwater Archaeologists around the World

Gather for 'Sustainable Ocean'

- The Fifth Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Maritime Cultural Heritage (13th-18th Nov. / Asia Culture Center) -

The National Research Institute of Maritime Cultural Heritage, Cultural Heritage Administration (Director General, Kim Seongbae) will hold “The Fifth Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Maritime Cultural Heritage (APCONF)” at Asia Cultural Center (Gwangju) for six days, from 13th (Monday) to 18th (Saturday) of November, in cooperation with the organizing committee of APCONF, opening ceremony of which is planned at 10:20 on 14th.

The conference where underwater archaeologists from Asia-Pacific regions share their research results and discuss current issues is held in Korea for the first time.
As the institute of being charge of domestic survey and research on underwater cultural heritage for almost 40 years and representative institute for underwater cultural heritage in Asia, the National Research Institute of Maritime Cultural Heritage will introduce established capability and results of survey and research and give a networking place to the researchers from Asia-Pacific regions.

Under the title of ‘United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development’, this conference will have 178 presentations under 26 sessions of six major themes, with around 250 underwater archaeologists from 35 countries.

In order to share history of research on underwater cultural heritage and share its recent results, the presentations are planned under the major themes as follows: 1) major threats of underwater cultural heritage and its preservation methods, 2) cases of submerged underwater sites and methodology, 3) UNESCO convention on underwater cultural heritage, introduction of legislation of each country, and management methods of underwater cultural heritage 4) methodology and management of materials on underwater cultural heritage by recent technology, 5) effective ways of display and promotion of underwater cultural heritage.

In addition, current issues on various underwater cultural heritage will be discussed through keynote talks and roundtable with underwater archaeologists from the world, and poster presentations, as well as research status of domestic underwater cultural heritage will be introduced through field trip to the National Research Institute of Maritime Cultural Heritage and Gwangju National Museum.

The conference will be in English, and anyone is welcomed by on-site registration. Details will be found in the National Research Institute of Maritime Cultural Heritage ( and APCONF ( In addition, the conference will be streamed on Youtube channel of the National Research Institute of Maritime Cultural Heritage.
With this opportunity, the National Research Institute of Maritime Cultural Heritage is expected to spread its results and capability on underwater cultural heritage to the world, and become a world-class institute, not only limited to Asia, with dynamic networking activities and cooperation.

Attached File
pdf파일 다운로드(국영문+동시배포)+1110+‘지속가능한+바다’+위해+전+세계+수중문화유산+전문가들+모인다(붙임2).pdf
docx파일 다운로드(국영문+동시배포)+1110+Underwater+Archaeologists+around+the+World+Gather+for+'Sustainable+Ocean'.docx