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Reference request
Dear Sir/ Madam,

I am a German doctorate student at London University with research focus on North-South Korean cultural heritage and co-operation (in Kaesong).

There are several issues for which I am still looking for documents. If you could lead me a little forward that would be brilliant. (I am currently also in Korea and would be able to visit libraries/ buy books here..) I am aware that some of the questions are quite specific, but I just raise them in case you might be able to refer me to the right people/ information, I would not know who else to ask.

Some of information (detailed if possible!), documents I search are:
1) Cultural Administration policy comparison between the two Koreas, as well as its roots in Choson dynasty and the Japanese period
2) Administrative procedures for Joint Korean excavations (do they underlie joint or particular heritage administration laws or agreements)
3) After a North-South joint excavation in the Kaesong Industrial City, the Korea Land Corporation brought back some of the excavated finds now on display in their museum. How were they legally able, allowed to bring part of the excavation finds to South Korea? Are they considered private or public ownership?
4) The steps and law behind how private property (e.g. temple stupas, relics, farmer finds ecc) is turned public property and gets into the care of a museum
5) What are the decision processes behind the move of cultural relics from a provincial museum (분관 (경주)부립박물관) to the central national museum? What are the criterion?

I appreciate any related information and hints to existing references.


Ruth Scheidhauer

H.P. 010-5822 4251 (2009년 5월 7일까지)

Guesthouse 1107호
하오고개길 110(운중동)
경기도 성남시 분당구 463-791