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Inappropriate photographing of Natural Monuments
Park Jeong-eun
Attached Files

doc파일 다운로드Articles_34_&_103.doc

Thank you for your interest in the protection of Natural Monument No. 324.

According to Article 34 of the Cultural Heritage Protection Act, any activity that may affect the state-designated cultural heritage is subject to the permission from the Administrator of the Cultural Heritage Administration. Taking a picture of an owl with flashlight can have an impact on the current status of the natural monument and, therefore, is subject to the permission from the CHA. Article 103 stipulates that anyone who does not comply with Article 34 is to face at least two years in prison and a fine of at least 20 million won. Please refer to the attached file for the text of Article 34 and Article 103.

Currently, there are no education programs for wildlife photographers, but we are planning to make educative brochures to distribute on the Internet and among offline photo clubs.

For more questions, please contact Mr. Lee An-jae at the Natural Heritage Division of the CHA (Email:, Tel.: 82-(0)42-481-4983).