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'Wolseong (月城)’, Silla palace invited to Denmark
International Cooperation Division
- ‘KOREA IN DENMARK: Wolseong’ exhibition at Nikolaj Kunsthal in Copenhage, Denmark - The Gyeongju National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage (Director, Lee Jong-Hoon) of the Cultural Heritage Administration and Gyeongju City (Mayer Ju Nak-young) open an exhibition, ‘KOREA IN DENMARK – welcome to the Moon Palace: Wolseong’, successfully at the Nikolaj Kunsthal in Copenhagen, Denmark from June 28 to September 8 2019. 2019 is the year for a 60thanniversary of diplomatic relations between Korea and Denmark. Both two countries designated this year as ‘the Year of Cultural Exchange’. This exhibition in Denmark will promote friendship between two countries in celebration of ‘the Year of Cultural Exchange’ and also introduce Korean history and culture to overseas widely. A large number of visitors have visited the exhibition and it is well received by critics. The whole exhibition consists of three sections, which are held on the first and second floors at the Nikolaj Kunsthal. On the first floor, there are two sections: section 1 ‘A journey to AD101’ and section 2 ‘Tou, play with Lego!’. On the second floor, there is section 3 ‘Moonlight of Place and Mystery’. In particular, the section 2 features 11 photographs of Tou (clay figures) from Wolseong, which is now compounding with worldly beloved toy Lego from Denmark in that. Section 3 exhibition utilizes natural light and space structure connected to the spire of the art museum. The light and space effectively convey a feeling of ‘Wolseong’ as if the moonlight were shining. Meanwhile, the opening ceremony, held from 1a.m. to 8 p.m. on June 28 local time, was held in great success. It started with a press conference. About 500 participants enjoyed Korean culture and history, expressed in art works, within joyful atmosphere with refreshments. On the opening day, there was a space to promote Wolseong Gyeongju, which could help local people’s understanding. All conversations between artists and visitors, hosts and citizen have become a medium to understand each other’s culture naturally. Moreover, exhibiting Silla Tou are well harmonized with LEGO, the most familiar Danish toy. This harmonization embodies catchwords of this exhibition, ‘from present to the past’ and ‘from Copenhagen to Gyeongju’. Exhibition visitors said, “It is really good that there are new and old, going back to the past and going through the time and space” and “using Lego helps me to understand Korean culture easily and also the contents of the exhibition is impressive as it shows coexistence of the fantasy and reality”. The exhibition will run until September 8 and will be open on weekdays (from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m.) and weekend (11 a.m. to 5 p.m.) except Monday, which is the closing day. This story of Wolseong in Copenhagen, Denmark will be a unique and joyful memory for European as they could meet Korean ancient culture through this exhibition. The Gyeongju National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage hopes this exhibition will provide an opportunity for Gyeongju and Wolseong to become an interesting historical space both in Korea and the World.
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pdf파일 다운로드0819 ‘Wolseong (月城)’, Silla palace invited to Denmark_영문 사진자료.pdf