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A Meeting to be Held for Strengthening the Use of ICH in Education in Asia-Pacific
International Cooperation Division
ICHCAP (International Information and Networking Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Asia-Pacific Region under the auspices of UNESCO) will hold a meeting for strengthening the use of Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) in education in the Asia-Pacific region from 28 to 30 August at the National Intangible Heritage Center in Jeonju, Korea. The meeting is co-hosted by ICHCAP and the UNESCO Bangkok Office and supported by the Cultural Heritage Administration of Korea. The meeting will bring together diverse stakeholders including teachers, pedagogists, cultural experts, and members of international organizations to discuss the ICH education status in schools in the Asia-Pacific region. Over fifty experts from sixteen Asia-Pacific countries, including Mongolia, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Thailand, East Timor, and Bhutan, will participate in the meeting. ICHCAP and the UNESCO Bangkok office conducted a survey on ICH education for primary and secondary schools in the Asia-Pacific region, including UNESCO associated schools, and the results of the survey will be presented at the meeting. UNESCO associated schools are the networks of educational institutions across the world around a common goal of UNESCO: to build peace in the minds of young people. Based on the results, the participants will discuss the current awareness of ICH and challenges for integrating ICH in education and the possibility of joint projects. The meeting will also feature the presentation of case studies with regard to ICH education in the Asia-Pacific region and in Korea. The outcomes of the meeting will be demonstrated through various educational pilot projects, and they are also expected to be reflected as a reference material in the educational related indicators in the Overall Results Framework for the 2003 Convention. UNESCO adopted the framework to assess how well the Convention is implemented in each States Party and help them with capacity building. The framework will be applied to periodic reporting starting from 2020. Awareness about ICH education is still low both in Korea and abroad. The meeting is expected to foster the promotion and safeguarding of ICH in schools through collaboration among experts in education and ICH. ICHCAP hopes that this meeting will help reinforce educational and cultural networks in the Asia-Pacific region and invigorate research on ICH education as part of an institutional education system. PARK, HYUNGBIN , World Heritage Division (042-481-3185) PARK, WEONMO, Office of Cooperation Networking (063-230-9740)
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