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Education of Cultural Properties with local children ‘Wolseong Irang Outreach’
International Cooperation Division

- Educationmanagement of Cultural Heritage for local Childrens center in Gyeongju, Gyeongju National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage –

The Gyeongju National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage (Director, Lee Jong-Hoon) expends and conducts a『Wolseong Irang Outreach』programme for local children in Gyeongju. Through the『Wolseong Irang Outreach』programme, the local children can learn by watching excavation sites and unearthed artifacts in Wolseong, Gyeongju.


  The『Wolseong Irang Outreach』is an educational programme as a part of government’s innovation. This programme is a designed event to help children, who are in difficult area to experience cultural education in Gyongju. It will be an organized education, runs from two to four weeks, including historical education and introducing excavation site and unearthed artifacts of Wolseong site. Children will participate in making characteristic masks, scratch cards (scrabbling) and to write handwritings with acrylic paints and artifact record cards.


  After『Wolseong Irang Outreach』programme was conducted as a pilot education to two local children’s centers in Gyeongju last August, the programme has been improved with detailed plans and properly organized for two or four-week courses in September. The local children’s center on the outskirts of the city was selected as a priority and was conducted to two local children’s centers for a 4-week programme from September to October. From this month, another local children’s center will be educated with a 4-week course.


The Gyeongju National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage (GNRICH) has been faithful to its original tasks of investigation and researching the cultural heritage of Silla. At the same time, the GNRICH endeavors to promote values of cultural properties and its significance for the public through various events such as opening the excavation sites and special exhibitions. Moreover, the GNRICH prepares cultural heritage educations for children, who will lead to the future of cultural heritage, and students, who will concern to study about cultural properties, and also free-semester system in elementary and middle schools.


If you have further inquiries about the『Wolseong Irang Outreach』programme, please contact Wolseong Irang in the GNRICH (☎054-777-6385,


The GNRICH will strive to help children who live on the outskirts of the Gyeongju by extending and conducting the programme. Furthermore, the GNRICH will share results of excavation at Wolseong and its process to the public and communicate with them.


Gyeongju National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage

Lee Chae-Won Researcher (054-777-6386), Jang ki myeong Researcher (054-777-6390)



1. The outline of the programme.

Attached File
docx파일 다운로드1106 Education of Cultural Properties with local children ‘Wolseong Irang Outreach’.docx