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Discussing Non-destructive Diagnosis and Restoration of Cultural Heritage with Radioactive Ray
International Cooperation Division
- An international academic symposium on ‘Radioactive Techniques for Diagnosis and Conservation of Cultural Heritage’ will be held on September 4th - Division: Cultural Heritage Conservation Science Center, NRICH Contact person: Park Jongseo (042-860-9371), Song Jungil (042-860-9387) Cultural Heritage Conservation Science Center of National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage(NRICH) under Cultural Heritage Administration (Director, Lee Dongsik) will hold an international academic symposium on ‘Radioactive Techniques for Diagnosis and Conservation of Cultural Heritage’ at the National Science Museum on September 4th at 1 pm. This symposium will examine how X-ray and gamma ray are used in the conservation of cultural heritage and seek ways for further development. Radioactive ray, with its unique penetrating ability, allows you to see the inside of objects where it is difficult with other non-destructive analysis methods. Korea has been using radioactive ray for condition surveys, manufacturing method studies, etc. since the 1960s. Recently, radioactive techniques are used for accumulating digital data of the insides of cultural heritage and researches are conducted to utilize the data as contents of the 4th industrial revolution. The high energy of radioactive ray is also needed for removal of biological damage and consolidation of cultural heritage. The symposium consists of five topical presentations. The first presentation is ‘Current Status and Prospects for the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage Using Radiation Technology’(Song Jungil, Cultural Heritage Conservation Science Center, NRICH) which will introduce how radioactive ray is being used for conservation and restoration of cultural heritage. Next, through ‘Surface 3D, X-rays and X-ray Tomography for Museum Object Analysis in France’ (Boust, Center of Research and Restoration for French Museums) and ‘Analysis and Application of Precise Image of Cultural Heritage Using X-ray Computed Tomography’(Oh Hwasuk, Wonkwang University Regional Innovation Center for Next Generation Industrial Radiation Technology) will introduce non-destructive analysis techniques with X-ray and examples in Korea and abroad, and examine related technologies and future direction for development. Radioactive techniques that are relatively unfamiliar will also be introduced. Presentations on ‘Non-destructive Test and Utilization for Cultural Heritage by Neutron’(Kim Tae Joo, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) which introduces survey method using neutrons instead of X-ray which has limits in analysing organic objects and on ‘Gamma Radiation Processing for Cultural Heritage Preservation’(Cortella, ARC-Nucleart) about gamma irradiation which is powerful than X-ray are prepared. There will be discussion and Q&A at the end of the presentations. This symposium was sponsored by Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, and anyone interested in non-destructive analysis and radiation technologies of cultural heritage can attend. For further information call Cultural Heritage Conservation Science Center, NRICH (042-860-9387). NRICH hopes that the symposium will be an opportunity to hear from the leading professionals of the X-ray application field and discuss future prospects.
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