Hello, I’m a student of Ca Foscari University of Venice in Italy and for a project i need the number of tourist in Changdeokgung Palace of the last five year. I would really appreciate if you can help me. Thank you so much Best regards, Ms. Nicoletta Fricano,
Thank you for your interest. The numbers can be found in "통계로 보는 문화재 2021" (Cultural Heritage Through Statistics). Can be download: https://www.cha.go.kr/cop/bbs/selectBoardArticle.do?nttId=82245&bbsId=BBSMSTR_1020&pageIndex=1&pageUnit=10&searchCnd=&searchWrd=&ctgryLrcls=&ctgryMdcls=&ctgrySmcls=&ntcStartDt=&ntcEndDt=&searchUseYn=&mn=NS_03_07_04
Please refer to p105. I have attatched Chandeokgung Palace portion.