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2019 Young Guardians of UNESCO World Heritage Contest
International Cooperation Division


- 12 Regional Heritage Guardian Organizations Advances to the Final /

November 26, Korean National Commission for UNESCO –


The "2019 Young Guardians of UNESCO World Heritage Contest" hosted by the Cultural Heritage Administration (Administrator Chung Jae-suk), organized by the Korean Cultural Heritage Guardians Association (Chairman Jo Sang-yeol), and sponsored by the Korean National Commission for UNESCO, will be held at the Korean National Commission for UNESCO in Jung-gu, Seoul at 1 pm on November 26.

Activities by young guardians of UNESCO World Heritage, which began in July 2011 and now mark the ninth year, have been joined by more than 100 people from 25 college associations nationwide this year. Each group picked one of the World Heritage sites in Korea such as Sansa, Buddhist Mountain Monasteries in Korea, and UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage including Nongak (Korean traditional farmers' music), Kimjang (making and sharing kimchi), Weaving of Mosi (fine ramie) in the Hansan region and Cheoyongmu dance, and has conducted preservation, management and education on the heritage as well as team-based specialized research and promotion activities.

This contest, where a total of 12 groups that passed the organizer's evaluation of those who have carried out activities at UNESCO World Heritage sites across the nation will make presentations, will be attended by some 100 people, including young Guardians of UNESCO World Heritage who made to the final stage and members of the organizing group.


The Cultural Heritage Administration will continue to provide full support for activities by young guardians of UNESCO World Heritage so that the young generation, the leader of the future, can actively participate in preservation and utilization of our cultural heritage with interest and affection, taking the lead in practicing and spreading the movement to love cultural heritage.

Cultural Heritage Education Team

Jang YoungKi Deputy Director(042-481-3150), Son Soohyun Program officer(042-481-3149)

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