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KHS News

Total : 495 : 25 / 50 pages
영문홈페이지 CHA News List
No Title Writer Date Read
255 Temporary Closing of Royal Palaces and Tombs International Cooperation Division 2020-05-29 1385
254 Cultural Heritage Administration Launches ‘Visit Korean Heritage Campaign’ This Year International Cooperation Division 2020-05-26 1849
253 The First South-North Cultural Heritage Forum to be held on the 14th International Cooperation Division 2020-05-13 1516
252 Exhibition of the Angbuilgu Sundial, Symbol of King Sejong’s Love for the People International Cooperation Division 2020-05-06 1714
251 The National Palace Museum of Korea will host a special exhibition titled <The Days of King Sukjong> International Cooperation Division 2020-05-06 1500
250 Completion of Conservation Treatment for Jagyeongnu (Clepsydra) of Changgyeonggung Palace, National Treasure No.229 by Cultural Heritage Conservation Science Center International Cooperation Division 2020-04-22 1698
249 A Moon Jar Sent to Australia as a Cultural Ambassador International Cooperation Division 2020-04-22 1522
248 The Call of Online Opening for the Óc Eo Culture of Vietnam International Cooperation Division 2020-04-21 1502
247 CHA Joins UNESCO Campaign against Coronavirus Outbreak International Cooperation Division 2020-04-13 1391
246 NRICH succeeds in hatching the Natural Monument Callipogon relictus that discovered after 46 years International Cooperation Division 2020-04-13 1298